Price of Concrete Electric Poles in Nigeria

Searching for an updated list of the price of concrete electric poles in Nigeria?

The foundation of the house is the most crucial element to consider while planning the construction of your home. Similarly, when considering the installation of electricity in a home, it is critical to consider how these installations may be done properly and securely without endangering one’s life. Concrete electric poles are one of the devices that provide this safety.

So, what precisely are they?

The picture above represents a concrete electric pole.

By definition, a concrete electric pole is a structure that is used to keep cables, shield wires, fiber optic lines, and illuminating devices separated from one another and from the ground.

As a Nigerian, however, a better understanding of what an electric concrete pole is is that it is mostly utilized to carry power or electricity from a transformer and then link that power to an apartment.

This is why, back in the day, if people didn’t pay their NEPA bills, the cable carrying power or electricity to their homes would be severed from the electric concrete pole.

You should also plan for a concrete electric pole when you’re building your house. People utilized wood back in the day. This wood would rot or rod over time as a result of rain, inflicting extra damage that might have been prevented if a concrete electric pole had been utilized.

Concrete power poles have become the norm in modern times. Electric poles are no longer made of wood.

Without further ado, let’s discuss the cost of concrete electric poles in Nigeria and look into the factors that determine these prices.

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Price of Concrete Electric Poles in Nigeria

There are two types of concrete electric poles: the one used for low-tension cables and the one used for high-tension cables.

Low-tension cable electric concrete poles are more expensive than high-tension cable electric concrete poles in general.

Type of Concrete Electric PolePrice Range (₦)
Low-tension cable38,000 – 45,000
High-tension cable47,000 – 52,000
Price of Concrete Electric Poles in Nigeria

Also, the price is a determinant of the company manufacturing the pole. Some companies might charge higher based on quality while some may charge lower.

For instance, the popular Zingas electric poles are more expensive than most other types because of their durability and strength.


This piece has discussed everything you need to know regarding the price of concrete electric poles in Nigeria. If you have questions, hit the comment section.

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