Contract Assignment In Real Estate: What Is This?

An assignment usually happens with contracts. This is called Contract Assignment and occurs when one party to a contract ( the assignor) signs over the rights to a property to a third party known as the assignee. The concept is used in both property and contract laws. The term “assignment” refers to the act of transferring rights, properties, and benefits.

The party who receives the assignment (the assignee) essentially steps into the shoes of the assignor and The party who accepts the assignment (the assignee) effectively assumes the role of the assignor and upholds their obligations under the contract.

Assignment in real estate is a way to profit from a real estate transaction without having to become the owner of the property.

The practice of assignment in real estate is a common tool in a real estate wholesaler’s toolbox since it lowers the entrance barrier for a real estate investor because the wholesaler doesn’t have to invest a lot of their own money before making a profit from the deal.

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It Means To Assign A Contract In Real Estate?

Contract assignment is a wholesaling strategy where the seller and wholesaler, the middleman, sign an agreement that gives the wholesaler the right to purchase a particular property at a specific price, within a particular period.

The wholesaler then goes on to find a buyer and transfers the contract to the individual. Since the wholesaler never took control of the property, the property isn’t truly being sold by the wholesaler. The ultimate buyer has the legal right to purchase the property under the original purchase agreement because the wholesaler is merely selling the contract, which is what is being sold.

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The wholesaler is compensated for putting the agreement together using this tactic with an assignment fee. The wholesaler may need to hold a real estate agent license in some areas, though, so be aware of this.

How Does Contract Assignment Work?

How does contract assignment work in real estate?

Find the Right Property

In a contract assignment, this is the initial phase. Investors can assign properties using a variety of strategies. Finding sellers that are eager to move quickly to sell their homes is necessary for wholesalers to be successful.

In pricing negotiations, the wholesalers benefit from the sense of urgency since it makes it easier to obtain a price that will draw buyers and pay for their assignment costs.

Get the Purchase Agreement Signed

A purchase agreement must be completed once the seller consents to sell the property to the wholesaler for a reduced price. A clause allowing the buyer to assign their rights under the contract to a third party must be included in the purchase agreement.

It is necessary to check that the wording is present because it is not expressly stated in a conventional purchase agreement. Additionally, it is a good idea to have the text reviewed and explained by an attorney.


As it is usually said, “communication is key.“The wholesaler must state explicitly that he or she wants the contract assigned from the outset. It is advisable to educate the seller of the property before they sign the original purchase agreement because many sellers are unfamiliar with the assignment approach.

Find an End Buyer

The wholesalers’ obligation continues with this. He or she must advertise the property to attract purchasers. Once a buyer has been identified, the wholesaler collaborates with both parties to complete the assignment. A straightforward “Assignment Agreement” is used for the assignment, which enables the new buyer to assume the role of the wholesaler, who served as the buyer in the original contract.

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It should be noted that the wholesaler is not paid until the transaction is completed. The property is typically covered by a no-refund clause in assignment contracts, protecting the wholesaler in case the final buyer backs out.

Close the Transaction, Assign the Contract and collect the Assignment Fee

The wholesaler is paid after the transaction has been completed and closed. A flat rate, a percentage of the purchase price, or the difference between the initial purchase price and the end buyer’s purchase price are the typical ranges for the assignment fee.

Because the end buyer must sign both the Assignment Agreement, which clearly states the assignment fee being paid to the wholesaler and the closing statement, which details the purchase price from the seller, the end buyer will be able to see exactly how much the wholesaler is being paid in an assignment transaction.

Pros and Cons of Contract Assignment

As much as contract assignment has advantages, it also has disadvantages. Find these two headings attached to this section.


  • Since they don’t have to use their own money to buy the property, assigning contracts is a good option for many new real estate investors to lessen the entrance barrier.
  • Because there is only one closure rather than two because the wholesaler never actually purchased the property, assignment contracts are less expensive and need less paperwork.


  • Given that the property can only be sold in its current condition, the wholesaler may have trouble finding a buyer. He or she cannot undertake any repairs or upgrades that would increase the property’s appeal to a buyer because they do not own it.
  • Because many mortgage lenders don’t operate with assigned contracts, financing may be significantly more challenging for the final consumer.
  • The assignment contract allows the wholesaler a certain amount of time to find purchasers because it has an expiration date.
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Final Thoughts

The wholesaler needs to be very good at networking, marketing, and communicating with all parties engaged in assignment contracts to be successful. It simply entails creating techniques for locating the ideal assets and having a strong network of investors you can rapidly assign them to.

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